Relaxation and Grounding

Relaxation and Grounding

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Made during a Solar Eclipse this hydrangea essence assists in relaxation, grounding and opening the throat chakra bringing chaos back to calm. Connecting the right and left hemispheres of the brain it assists with reading and concentration on study.

Assists in seeing clearer, refreshing mental, emotional and physical senses. Connects heart chakra and throat chakra. Opens up the throat chakra for speaking your truth. This remedy helps you stay close to yourself. Also a cleanser and protector of your aura.

Helpful for Autistic folks, acutely intelligent and highly sensitive people to emotional or environmental toxins. Also helps balance the physical and spiritual emotional body strengthening concentration.

The essence gives you the confidence to be YOU, who you are and the freedom to express it in the world we live in. Moves away anything that may be holding you back.


Spray this blend around yourself and in spaces that need spiritual support. Use daily, before bed, or as needed to begin to shift perception and allow new pathways of thought and reason to open.


All flower essences are made in a 1oz spray bottle a 50/50 dilution of vodka and local spring water, vegetable glycerin, an essential oil of intuitive choice, a healing stone within the bottle such as rose quartz, and flowers from the gardens here at Mountain Hollow. Spray essence on self when needed, clothing, linens, or in spaces which you feel you need more support. You may even keep the bottle near you and the energetic vibrations will effect your space without opening the bottle. Flower essences are a dilution gentle enough for children and pets. 


Available in a 1 oz cobalt blue glass spray bottle. Please repurpose or recycle glass. 

Shelf Life

You will use this up before there would be any issue.

Other Info

Refunds are not available for this product as once the bottle leaves the apothecary it is not reusable and deemed contaminated.

Mountain Hollow Medicinals will not be held responsible for any reactions, adverse effects, or misuse of its products or advice, as they are merely suggestions that the client chooses to use or not to use of his or her own free will. By purchasing Mountain Hollow Medicinals products, the customer has agreed to and understands the above information. Thank you!

The water that all my essences are made with are infused with reiki and blessed with intentions for healing, compassion, and love. Water has consciousness and memory just as minerals do, so our intention is heard and infused.
Please DO NOT ingest.

The ideas and suggestions identified here are not intended in any way as a substitute for qualified medical advice. Consult a qualified medical practitioner in person for your health problems. Vibrational Essences (Mountain Hollow Medicinals Flower Essences and other essences) do not replace qualified medical assistance if you have a physical illness or disease, however they will complement and help that treatment on subtle levels.