Finding clarity in the subconscious.
Decode the messages from your inner wisdom through your dreams.
Do you have repetitive dreams and you wonder what the message is?
Do you suffer from nightmares that cloud your dreamtime?
Do you want to dive deeper into the subconscious messaging your spirit is trying to tell you?
Dream Healing Analysis is for those who simply need support in decoding their dreams and getting to the root cause of an issue they need to process and clear away. We store emotional issues and imbalances in the body, and it is common to receive messages from our higher selves in the dream time. Dreams are messages that we can learn from and this process can be very healing.
What does Dream Healing Analysis look like?
This is a one on one, multi-session offering where you can share your dreams and intentions with me. I will guide you along this journey by visiting you in your dream time as well as working with you in waking time. Together we will support your unconscious and subconscious messages to rise up and be processed as you need them to be.
I offer tools such as herbalism, flower essences, meditations, guided journey work, and plant spirit work to support you in deepening your lucid dreams and to reach your guides and ancestors who are waiting to work with you.
What does our time together look like?
In the first meeting we will take time to share what is going on with your dreams and I will begin to offer guidance to support you in decoding symbols and messages from the subconscious.
Additional meetings fall under the coaching category and we will continue to work intimately until you have come to the knowing in how you can move forward with your newfound information.
Who would this be good for?
Dream Healing Analysis is supportive for those who have become aware that they are living in some repetitive patterns. They may notice this in their dreams by having a dream come back over and over again and feeling unsure of how to understand or approach the message. This is helpful for those who wish to better connect to their spirit’s wisdom and practice connecting to their inner knowing to move forward in their healing journey with more confidence and ease.