Integrative Holistic Practitioner



Diana Gonsalves Hansen created and founded Mountain Hollow Medicinals in 2015 with the intention of facilitating safe space so people could feel fully in their bodies while experiencing learning and education on wellness. Since then Mountain Hollow has grown tremendously with new professional certifications, classes, a full apothecary, an herbal teaching garden, guided internships, transformative healing through energy medicine, and education on wellness and herbalism through practices such as spiritual ecology and earth stewardship.

Beneath all that happens in the hollow is a common thread that has evolved into experiencing a place, and the land with facilitation for healing in many ways. One of Diana’s largest goals is to simply give people space to return and deepen their connection to nature and all that it offers to us.

A note for you from Diana…

I promise: No one is going to burn you at the stake. That went out of style centuries ago. No one is going to come after you for being who you are. All judgment is self judgment and those who reach out to harm another have issues within themselves that have nothing to do with the other.

But the fear is real and even your DNA might still be holding onto ancestral fear and memory of what happened in history.

Maybe you're struggling to share your truth as an intuitive. Maybe anxiety has you tied up and is holding you back. Maybe you're worried about using your voice. Maybe you have previously experienced consequences for expressing yourself. Maybe you your intuition was dismissed as a child and you felt unheard in many ways.

My clients frequently come with all of those issues, and things like low self-worth, worrying about judgement from others and hiding who they are. Another common issue is simply not trusting or feeling connected to your intuition. Our most powerful resource!

What they ALL need is support from someone who has walked through the fire herself.

Hi, I'm Diana, and I get it.

For decades I've been helping people overcome all of those things (and more) using my healing tools -- the same tools I used to move through and overcome layers of my own trauma and anxiety. Things like Reiki, Tibetan sound bowls, crystal bowls, tuning forks, crystals, flower essences, plant spirit medicine, herbalism, and healing in the dream time.

My journey to now was rough and rocky.

I grew up exposed to a narcissistic society built on abuse and suppression in which I had to find my way through. I also struggled with seeing and experiencing things others weren't: I saw spirits in my dreams and could feel what other people felt deeply.

I was a highly sensitive child who had to find her way through shame, doubt, fear, neglect, lack of self worth and a long line of women who feared their unique power more than anything.

In my late twenties after walking out of a very abusive relationship that shook me, I turned to alternative healing methods to dig deeper. Reiki cleansed me from the inside out and taught me what self-compassion really means while shifting my life to daily practices around mindfullness and self love. Sound healing taught me that I deserve more than I could ever imagine and assisted in my physical nervous system healing. Flower essences gently shifted my perceptions and held me in love on a journey that was scary at times. Herbalism and working with plants in a deep energetic way has been a life changing and healing experience that has truly transformed me.

I've since integrated all of those modalities into what I offer today. They ALL moved me forward and made me stronger. This is what I want for you. The opportunity to feel safe enough to heal, even if just for a moment.

I work with all genders, gender non conforming, and magick folx who want to feel stronger and more empowered in their intuitive gifts and struggle with speaking their truths in a safe space to experience deeper healing.

I want to help you find your courage and confidence and share your magic with the world.

I am a bridge-builder, connecting you to the path you are here to walk, while offering you an immense amount of resources and tools to move through the journey.

My passion is to hold space for you to speak your truth, be loud, and reach your highest potential.

You don't have to suffer. You CAN have the life you want.

A sampling of my qualifications:

  • Founder and Creatrix of Mountain Hollow Medicinals since 2015

  • Lightwork and Healing Apprenticeship from 1992 - 2023 with Many Feathers Healing

  • Certified Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Master Teacher with Soul Horizons

  • Completion of BE1, BE2, BE3, SE1 Craniosacral and Somatic Therapy (72 CEUs) with CST Alliance Physical Therapy

  • Master Chakra, Crystal Bowl, Brass Bowl, and Tuning Fork Advanced Sound Healing Certifications with Evolvlove Sound & Light Academy

  • Four year Gaia School of Healing & Earth Education, Herbalism Apprenticeship and Plant Spirit Medicine Studies

  • One year Intuitive Plant Medicine Certification with One Willow Apothecaries

  • Professional Mindset Coach Training with Rebecca T. Dickson (training progress since 2022)

  • MFA in Fine and Studio Arts from Vermont College of Fine Arts 2011


What others say…

“I met Diana a few years ago at one of her amazing workshops at Mountain Hollow. I knew in that moment I had found home. For years I had been calling in like minded spiritual folks. women that I could connect and heal with. Diana's desire to bring community together and offer a safe space for women to come and take part in these healing circles was what many are asking for. It has been just what I needed. It was a day that I will never forget. I left with the biggest smile on my face and cried all the way home.”

- KS


Listen to my five minute speech at the Vermont Womenpreneurs Showcase.