Winter Wellness Tea - respiratory support

Winter Wellness Tea - respiratory support

from $8.00

Organically grown, high quality, small batch, ethically hand harvested from our gardens or land, and processed in our apothecary at Mountain Hollow.

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This special tea was blended here in the MHM apothecary with ethically sourced herbs from our garden and our land. This tea is a wonderful treat in the colder months of the year, offering nourishment and immune support to ward off winter illness. Tulsi’s aroma offers an uplifting sense of joy, while the Balsam and Mullein bring in the rooted grounding energy of the earth and forests.

This tea blend contains:

Balsam (Abies balsamea) is supportive for coughs, congestion, and is a long known folk remedy for a sore throat along with its delicious and unique flavor.

Mullein (Verbascum densiflorum) is an expectorant and helps loosen and expel any excess mucus while soothing colds and coughs.

Tulsi or Holy Basil (Ocimum tenuiflorum) is a powerful adaptogen, supporting the nervous system lessening stress, strengthening the immune system, and it known for lowering fevers along with its sweet and uplifting taste.

Goldenrod (Solidago spp.) is well known for respiratory and allergy support. There is only a small amount added to this tea blend for some extra sinus support.

Horehound (Marrubium vulgare) is a powerful expectorant, supports cough sufferers to get rid of that nasty mucus that is clogging up their airways. Its bitter flavor makes it an excellent choice for improving digestion as well.

Approximately 1 or 2oz of densely packed loose tea is in each package.

Packaging is biodegradable and recyclable and great to reuse.

A reusable tea bag to contain the loose leaf tea is included in your purchase.

It is generally recommended to use approximately 1-3 tablespoons per quart of hot water and let the herbs steep covered for 15 minutes for best results.

Ingredients in all products from Mountain Hollow Medicinals are organically grown on our land, ethically hand harvested, hand crafted, created with love and healing intentions along with the magical vibrations of song. Yes we sing to our plants while we work with them. We want the highest vibrational frequency of healing in our relationship to the land and then to share that with you in our offerings.

The ideas and suggestions identified here are not intended in any way as a substitute for qualified medical advice. Consult a qualified medical practitioner in person for your health problems. Herbal products (Mountain Hollow Medicinals Herbal Salves and other herbal infusions and blends) do not replace qualified medical assistance if you have a physical illness or disease, however they will complement and help that treatment on subtle levels. 

Mountain Hollow Medicinals will not be held responsible for any reactions, adverse effects, or misuse of its products or advice, as they are merely suggestions that the client chooses to use or not to use of his or her own free will. By purchasing Mountain Hollow Medicinals products, the customer has agreed to and understands the above information.

All sales are final, as once the product leaves the facility it is considered contaminated.