Nutrire Tea - digestive support

Nutrire Tea - digestive support

from $8.00

Organically grown, high quality, small batch, ethically hand harvested from our gardens or land, and processed in our apothecary at Mountain Hollow.

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Nutrire: to nourish, to feed, to nurse, to foster, to support, to preserve…and physically able to do what is necessary and enjoyable with their bodies.

Nutrire tea blend is specially formulated for general healing, soothing, and assisting with digestive discomfort. This blend supports digestive health and replenishes nutrients as a natural source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. This blend was formulated in the company and research of two practicing herbalists who were looking for some gentle support and struggle with digestive issues such as, gluten and food intolerances, leaky gut, SIBO, autoimmune, sensitive digestion, gas, bloating, stomach pain, and the long lasting effects of trauma on the nervous system.

Magical uses 
Healing, protection, divination and dreamwork, and boosting wellbeing and confidence. 

Detailed Ingredients:

Plantain  (Plantago lanceolata)

Medicinal uses include wound healing, anti-inflammatory, astringent, soothing demulcent, and antiseptic. Effective for a wide range of digestive issues. Nutritive herb, often used as a food source. Good tonic and helps purify blood and promote health. 

Used magically for dreams, divination, protection, healing, purification, and to enhance magical powers of other herbs. 


Calendula (Calendula officinalis)

Medicinally used for wound healing, immune support, reduces inflammation, anti-fungal, has been known to support the healing of leaky gut, promotes digestion, and is a powerful digestive bitter aid. 

Magically used for improving joy, happiness, positive outlooks, confidence, protection as well as for prophetic dreaming. 

Applemint (Mentha suaveolens)

Aids with digestive problems such as indigestion and helps improve digestion. Is rich in vitamins and antioxidants, and has antiseptic properties.

Magical uses include repelling enemies, stimulating psychic abilities, boosting energy and wellbeing.  

Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis)

Relieves stress, boosts mood and cognitive function. Reduces anxiety, insomnia, cramps, indigestion, and nausea. 

Magical uses - success, healing, happiness, memory, love and reducing anxiety. 

Chamomile (Chameamelum nobilis)

Use for stress and digestive health. Is anti-inflammatory, lowers acidity, and can prevent bacterial growth in stomach ulcers. Has antioxidant properties. 

Magical uses- helps sooth tempers, improve sleep, and focus energy. Use for prosperity, dreamwork and banishing negativity. 

Chickweed (Stellaria media)

Nutritive plant that aids digestive problems such as constipation. Also is anti-inflammatory and helpful with joint pain, urinary tract infections, or for general healing. High in vitamin C. 

Magical uses - fidelity, love, to encourage sleep and dreams, for protection, fertility, moon magic. 

Dosing: ½ to 1 TB of dried tea to 8 to 32 ounces of water. Use 2-3 times a week. 

Do not use if pregnant or breastfeeding. If taking other medications, consult your doctor before use. Immediately stop use and consult your physician if adverse effects occur. 

Ingredients in all products from Mountain Hollow Medicinals are organically grown on our land, ethically hand harvested, hand crafted, created with love and healing intentions along with the magical vibrations of song. Yes we sing to our plants while we work with them. We want the highest vibrational frequency of healing in our relationship to the land and then to share that with you in our offerings.

The ideas and suggestions identified here are not intended in any way as a substitute for qualified medical advice. Consult a qualified medical practitioner in person for your health problems. Herbal products (Mountain Hollow Medicinals Herbal Salves and other herbal infusions and blends) do not replace qualified medical assistance if you have a physical illness or disease, however they will complement and help that treatment on subtle levels. 

Mountain Hollow Medicinals will not be held responsible for any reactions, adverse effects, or misuse of its products or advice, as they are merely suggestions that the client chooses to use or not to use of his or her own free will. By purchasing Mountain Hollow Medicinals products, the customer has agreed to and understands the above information.

All sales are final, as once the product leaves the facility it is considered contaminated.