Internships at Mountain Hollow Medicinals

This internship is geared towards students currently earning alternative wellness degrees and seeking methods for deeper spiritual process in working with the plant world. Through Spiritual Ecology and Green Witchery we will go deep into the plant world, formulating medicinals and healing products through communing with the plants.

In this internship you will obtain philosophy and practices of communicating with plants, what it means to be a green witch and herbalist, ethically working with plants, harvesting and processing herbs, making herbal infusions and medicinals, energy medicine such as flower essences, reiki infusions, crystal healing, plant meditations, emotional healing through working with plants, plus all the details of running a small business focused on healing, herbalism, and education.

You will leave with a newfound understanding on what it means to work and heal through the plant world as well as new mindset tools on how to stand in your purpose with confidence and strength. In exchange students are required to support Mountain Hollow with maintaining the gardens, processing herbs, supporting in new creative projects and ideas, cleaning and organizing the apothecary, completing all assignments and sharing their findings with Diana in weekly meetings in person or via zoom. This internship is best during the fall semester but accommodations can be made for spring semester.

Assignments and projects vary and include the following:

Meditations with plants and journaling findings
Practices to expand your intuition
Using pendulums to deepen your plant communication
Making flower essences and learning how to use them
Listening to the plants, ethically working with them and proper harvest
Creating complete plant profiles
Creating herbal body oils
Making tea blends through various methods
and so much more.

Interning with Diana has broadened my perspective on what it means to be well and to be a healer. Her knowledge and experience that she has imparted on me concerning herbs, crystals, flower essences, energy work, and running a small business has helped me greatly in my education and starting my career. My time at Mountain Hollow Medicinals has been transformative, and I am very grateful for the experience.
— Michelle Saunders, Northern Vermont University

Get in touch now to set up your internship for the upcoming semester!