Heartbeat Drum Journey with Maria Carvalho Sandoval
In this episode with Maria Carvalho Sandoval from Fire Bird Healing in Burlington, Vermont, Maria offers her Heartbeat Drum Journey that was initially planned as an event here in our yurt and community healing space. Due to the pandemic this event was cancelled and Maria graciously offered to record this incredible journey on our podcast and offer healing support to a wider audience.
In this episode with Maria Carvalho Sandoval from Fire Bird Healing in Burlington, Vermont, Maria offers her Heartbeat Drum Journey that was initially planned as an event here in our yurt and community healing space. Due to the pandemic this event was cancelled and Maria graciously offered to record this incredible journey on our podcast and offer healing support to a wider audience.
In this episode Maria also shares her journey to becoming a healer and we dip into each modality she offers locally and from a distance. The second segment contains a guided drum journey that will ground you at your core between the earth and the stars.
This journey will connect you with the ancestors, spirit guides, and angels who are waiting to be called to support you at this time. I am deeply grateful to offer you this healing experience, that you can come back to time and time again.
My patreon supporters will receive a downloadable audio file of this drum journey to keep with them for future use. Visit our Patreon Page to subscribe and support our cause to bring more access to healing into our communities and beyond.