A Personal Journey With Nettles - Transformative Herbalism With Diana

In the fourth episode in the series of intimate shares on my personal journey with individual plant spirits, I am excited to share Nettles (Urtica dioica) a plant ally that I had a strong shamanic experience with. Nettles is an incredible nutrient dense tonic and a wonderful wild edible.

In the fourth episode in the series of intimate shares on my personal journey with individual plant spirits, I am excited to share Nettles (Urtica dioica) a plant ally that I had a strong shamanic experience with. Nettles is an incredible nutrient dense tonic and a wonderful wild edible. Just be sure to identify properly and wear gloves when harvesting as it is known to offer quite a sting to the skin.

In the intro I explain what a journey with a plant looks like and what comes of it. I then share my personal notes and experiences with you in the episode.

With each plant I work with, I create an in depth plant profile which I share with my patreon subscribers and supporters of the podcast at the Community tier level.

Resources mentioned in this episode:
Live Forever Foods with Haley Blair at www.liveforeverfoodsvt.com
More info on the FODMAP diet for SIBO...
FODMAP diet from John Hopkins.
Info on SIBO

I hope you enjoy these journeys as much as I do and that they bring you a bit of newfound information on the power of plant spirit medicine.

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