You know you’re meant for more. You know you’re a powerful catalyst for positive change.

You see yourself speaking to tens of thousands, supporting even more, sharing your healing magic and helping change the world.

The only problem is when you go to actually make a move, you…can’t…quite…do it.

OR when you show up ready to expand your business, you’re just too damn tired to get it done.

Fear is a bitch.

You’re in good company if sharing your offers makes you uncomfortable or even fatigues you. I don’t know any successful person who didn’t initially struggle with those same things. It’s normal. And the good news is, it’s so normal, it’s easy to adjust.

The truth is, the world is on fire. Healers, mentors, coaches, witches and lightworkers are needed now more than ever.

What wakes up my inner dragon is seeing too, too many powerful women hiding in the shield of their limitations. Some actually enjoy swimming in their own limiting beliefs and allowing themselves to be completely bound.

Meanwhile, more and more harmful patterning continues on a global scale. Imagine what it would look like if every powerful woman stepped forward fully and embraced her super powers?

The natural part of us that allows the flow of pure truth and wisdom to move freely, and to break down the damns holding it back, that’s what we need so desperately right now. If you hold those secrets inside you, I’m here to help you let them out.

Think about it.

How would sharing your magic and healing effect your community, your children? How would it effect the men around you and the collective as a whole?

What the fuck are you so afraid of?

I have a sneaking suspicion that most women aren’t really that afraid. Instead, they’re fucking furious. But they’ve spent so much time turning that anger inward, it’s become anxiety and a bitch of an inner voice.

“Who do you think you are to do that? Sell that? Help people?”

“Why would anyone listen to you when your own kids don’t?”

Been there. Got the t-shirt.

And what I learned was that I could turn that sacred rage into eloquent action.

When we stop buying into our old beliefs, the lies and stories that limit our visibility and our voices, we are unbound and limitless.

Let me tell you, it feels glorious.

Inside WILD, I’ll be showing you how to dismantle your own stories, limits, blocks and fears in order to show up, speak up, stand up and sell. You’re going to feel what it’s like to be unafraid of your healing capability AND to hold the power of your rage.

Our sessions included but are not limited to:

  • Dissolving limiting beliefs and letting go of what’s not yours

  • Finding and firming up leaky boundaries

  • Creating your sacred space

  • Working with self-doubt and fear

  • Finding more focus within your niche

  • Unveiling why your unique methods are essential RIGHT NOW

  • Understanding how your rage can be a powerful catalyst for positive change

  • Breaking down social media and money fears (it’s all bullshit)

  • Transforming your rage into eloquent action, shapeshifting and embodying a new you

  • Putting your healing practice on the map and offering no apologies

This is a 4-week container with live calls held via Zoom.

We start January 4th.

Seats are extremely limited and this is only for people who are deadly serious about upleveling their mindset, their money and their businesses.


Investment: $1444

What’s additionally included?
Two one-on-one coaching calls with Diana.
Private Telegram group to continue our conversations.

We begin August 8th 2024 and meet for four weeks.

Installments available.