Custom 2x4 Blessing Bag

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These hand made bags are incredibly custom to each individual receiving one. From the medicinal plants, to the stones, crystals, feathers and the symbols on the bag itself. A unique and personalized card comes with the bag that includes a channeled reading as well as a description of the healing properties of the bag itself.

I bless these bags with the beat of my drum, infuse them with reiki energy, smoke and charge them. The purpose of these bags is to empower the receiver to move forward on their healing journey in support and assistance. Some issues they assist with could be moving through grief, releasing old patterns, moving into a new journey, releasing fear,, protection, holding more self love and compassion, as well as assisting healers in their deep work as they move through the process of holding space for others.

Made with authentic and ethically sourced deer hide and sinew purchased from an indigenous family owned business.

Diana, it has taken me a few days to even respond to your tremendous act of pure kindness. To say I was blown away is an understatement. Thank you- you have no idea how much your words, let alone your medicine bag, meant to me. How did you know what I am going through? One thing that gives meaning to life is a beautiful and caring act from another human- so thank you from the bottom of my heart!
— S.G., Vermont
Dear Diana, thank you so much for the great medicine bag! I love and it brings me a lot of new and special energy. It was amazing: I hung it around my neck and the energy feels so powerful that I could feel it in my whole body.
— M.Z., Vermont

We Support…

The Colorado Wolf & Wildlife Center whos mission is to educate the public about the importance of Preservation and Conservation of the forests, land, and water that supports wildlife, flora, and fauna for future generations to enjoy. A portion of all proceeds on Blessing Bags will go to the Colorado Wolf & Wildlife Center.