Blessing Herbal Incense Blend

from $14.00

Organically grown, high quality, small batch, ethically hand harvested from our gardens or land, and processed in our apothecary at Mountain Hollow.

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Organically grown, high quality, small batch, ethically hand harvested from our gardens or land, and processed in our apothecary at Mountain Hollow.

Organically grown, high quality, small batch, ethically hand harvested from our gardens or land, and processed in our apothecary at Mountain Hollow.

Burning herbs to release their smoke and aroma is done to cleanse the aura and purify the spirit in preparation for ceremony or coming together in community.

Cleansing the mind, body and spirit with smoke from burning herbs is a powerful practice. This particular blend was created to offer you an intense calming aid for your nervous system.

This Blessing Herb Blend Incense is ethically sourced sagebrush, white copal, sweetgrass, white sage, wormwood, anise hyssop, hopi tobacco, chamomile, tea tree leaves, juniper, witch hazel bark. All herbs were soaked in celestite, a healing mineral that brings angelic energy into your auric field and space. Handcrafted and harvested here at Mountain Hollow with loving and healing intentions.

When you open this container hold the blend up to your nose, inhale deeply and you will notice a shift in your state of mind immediately.

Make sure to place a few pinches of this blend on a hot safe plate such as an abalone shell, stone or wood stove. Use this blend to start your day and end your day, every single day. Set your intentions, light the herbs and begin your ritual.

This blend is in a 2 ounce biodegradable container, which can be reused or disposed of in your compost. Or keep it as a  treasure to use in ritual or on your altar.

Ingredients in all products from Mountain Hollow Medicinals are organically grown on our land, ethically hand harvested, hand crafted, created with love and healing intentions along with the magical vibrations of song. Yes we sing to our plants while we work with them. We want the highest vibrational frequency of healing in our relationship to the land and then to share that with you in our offerings.

The ideas and suggestions identified here are not intended in any way as a substitute for qualified medical advice. Consult a qualified medical practitioner in person for your health problems.
Mountain Hollow Medicinals will not be held responsible for any reactions, adverse effects, or misuse of its products or advice, as they are merely suggestions that the client chooses to use or not to use of his or her own free will. By purchasing Mountain Hollow Medicinals products, the customer has agreed to and understands the above information. 

All sales are final, as once the product leaves the facility it is considered contaminated.