Wild Rose Glycerite


Organically grown, high quality, small batch, ethically hand harvested from our gardens or land, and processed in our apothecary at Mountain Hollow.

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Organically grown, high quality, small batch, ethically hand harvested from our gardens or land, and processed in our apothecary at Mountain Hollow.

Organically grown, high quality, small batch, ethically hand harvested from our gardens or land, and processed in our apothecary at Mountain Hollow.

Throughout history the Rose has been honored in many rituals, ceremonies, and used as a symbol of love and nourishment all over the globe. The wild roses at Mountain Hollow are hardy growing in zone three yet delicate with a light floral tone. This glycerite soothes and relaxes the nervous system, eases sensations and feelings of grief, anger and heartbreak. Roses have also been used to support PMS, symptoms of Menopause, as well as fertility by gently supporting hormonal imbalance. Roses also soothe and support the digestive system, cooling emotional heat related to women’s reproductive health, and fill the heart with harmony, self love, and peace. Many people also find roses to be an uplifting and gentle anti-depressant.

Because of their antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, cooling and calming properties, roses, and therefore rose glycerite, can be quite helpful for feverish, flushed and upset children and adults.

Ingredients: Organic Vegetable Glycerin, organically grown Wild Rose petals, and Spring Water. Shake well before use. 10-20 drops, three times a day or as directed by your practitioner. The best way to use liquid herbal tinctures is to put the suggested amount in a glass of water, tea, or juice and drink the entire contents.

Tastes sweet and floral just like the smell of a rose.

Expiration date on the bottle, please store in a medicine cabinet or a dark cool place.

Ingredients in all products from Mountain Hollow Medicinals are organically grown on our land, ethically hand harvested, hand crafted, created with love and healing intentions along with the magical vibrations of song. Yes we sing to our plants while we work with them. We want the highest vibrational frequency of healing in our relationship to the land and then to share that with you in our offerings.

Contains NO yeast, mold, corn, salt, wheat, artificial color, dairy foods, preservatives or synthetic pesticides or fertilizers.

We recommend that you consult with a qualified practitioner before using any herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.

The ideas and suggestions identified here are not intended in any way as a substitute for qualified medical advice. Consult a qualified medical practitioner in person for your health problems. Herbal Salves (Mountain Hollow Medicinals Herbal Salves and other herbal infusions such as oils, elixirs, or glycerites) do not replace qualified medical assistance if you have a physical illness or disease, however they will complement and help that treatment on subtle levels. 

Refunds are not available for this product as once the bottle leaves the apothecary it is not reusable and deemed contaminated.

Mountain Hollow Medicinals will not be held responsible for any reactions, adverse effects, or misuse of its products or advice, as they are merely suggestions that the client chooses to use or not to use of his or her own free will. By purchasing Mountain Hollow Medicinals products, the customer has agreed to and understands the above information. Thank you!