The Light Workers Cleanse Bath Salts 8oz


Deeply healing and detoxifying salt soak to support light workers, spirit weavers, witches, and healing practitioners. Organically grown, high quality, small batch, hand harvested from our gardens, and processed in our apothecary at Mountain Hollow.

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Deeply healing and detoxifying salt soak to support light workers, spirit weavers, witches, and healing practitioners. Organically grown, high quality, small batch, hand harvested from our gardens, and processed in our apothecary at Mountain Hollow.

Deeply healing and detoxifying salt soak to support light workers, spirit weavers, witches, and healing practitioners. Organically grown, high quality, small batch, hand harvested from our gardens, and processed in our apothecary at Mountain Hollow.


This salty, divine cleansing bath blend was derived from the practice of bathing to cleanse and detox from overstimulation, inharmonious energy, chaotic experiences or energy, the need for grounding and release, and to settle the mind, body, and spirit back into the safety of your self. The loving herbs in this blend are meant to amplify detox and cleanse, cool and soften the skin, while offering protection and cleansing from the spiritual realm.


Use this blend in a warm or hot bath when needed, use a little or the whole thing to nourish the senses and bring some deep healing into your life.


*Organically grown from our herbal gardens / Calendula officinals, Calendula / Artemisia vulgaris, Mugwort / Rosa × damascena, Rose flowers and petals / Pure Epsom Salts /  *Essential oils of Rose Absolute Rosa x centifolia


Available in a 8 oz clear mason glass jar with tin screw top lid. Please repurpose or recycle glass. These jars are great for refills, snacks for your bag, and storing small objects.

Shelf Life

This salt blend is most potent within two years of purchase. 

Other Info

Refunds are not available for this product as once the bottle leaves the apothecary it is not reusable and deemed contaminated.

Mountain Hollow Medicinals will not be held responsible for any reactions, adverse effects, or misuse of its products or advice, as they are merely suggestions that the client chooses to use or not to use of his or her own free will. By purchasing Mountain Hollow Medicinals products, the customer has agreed to and understands the above information. Thank you!