Growing up without boundaries.

When I was a kid our family dynamic had zero healthy boundaries. Not only were my needs not met but I was trampled on by other peoples opinions, thoughts, and needs. There were no boundaries in my life and no one to teach me that they exist and are essential for well being.

This lack of learning what boundaries are followed me into my adult life and my business. My lack of boundaries in business, with my kids and family sent me into a deep burn out and I became physically sick. Flat on my back, I was in physical pain, and had no idea what to do. The worst part was that I couldn’t hold the space to continue my practice as a holistic practitioner. Not only was I sick, my boundaries were so leaky I had completely drained myself of all the energy I needed to conserve to hold a container for others. How could I help anyone in this state? I couldn’t, and I fell into a depressive state.

As I began to learn the root of my burn out my eyes were opened to a new way to live my life. I began by removing myself from places and spaces that didn’t feel aligned. I quietly removed myself from relationships and worked on my healthy boundaries with family. I was surprised to learn that applying these boundaries and keeping consistent actually shape shifted my relationships into something much better than before! A better understanding of my needs and the needs of others, I began to see improvements in my relationships to my kids and husband over and over.

Not only did this create a positive effect on my relationships and my health, it began to effect my business. Because I created more space for myself new doors began to open, synchronicities were coming up regularly and I began to move back into flow, my joy, and the connection to my purpose returned.

Although boundaries were a foreign thing to me, I now find them to be the most essential, foundational tool for myself and my purpose. Not only that, learning to find your healthy boundaries, place them, and hold them in your daily life and in your spiritual work will free you up to be fully charged to hold the container your clients need most.

Holding boundaries is being in the practice of leadership. Lets go deeper with this together in my new class Unbound & Unfuckwithable: Boundaries for the Spiritual Practitioner.

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