Activating Empowered Dreamwork
6:30 PM18:30

Activating Empowered Dreamwork

Dreamtime is a place full of wonder, beauty and curiosity within the delicate strands in the weaving of spirit and interconnectedness. It is also a place where we can cultivate powerful self healing and obtain a deeper knowing of self. Join Diana for an evening in the yurt, covering the basic understanding of dreamwork through to the communication, visitations, and visions in dreams.

This workshop is a safe, mystical, and creative time for us to delve deep into the meaning of our dreams and how to practice deepening your own dreamwork with dedicated time to share dreams and receive reflections from Diana and the other participants.

Diana will offer discussion and learning on the following:

  • How to use your dreams as a tool for healing

  • Rituals and practices around intentional dreaming

  • Understanding recurring dreams

  • How to understand premonition like dreams

  • What objects, places, and people in dreams can mean for you

  • How to begin practicing consciousness in the dreamtime

  • How sleeping well, using mindfulness, and self care support your dream practice

  • Plant spirit allies for dream work

  • Scientific findings and case studies on dreamtime

We will discuss levels/stages of sleep, the basic science of dreaming, what can influence your dreams in your daily life, your intuitive dreams and seeing the difference between subconscious conversation and foresight. Visitors from the spirit world, visitors from the living world, communication through dreams, and our deep connection to each other in the realm of dream time. Also how we can deepen our sleep with meditations, relaxing music, crystals and other methods.

You will leave this course with some newfound methods to practice deepening your dreamwork and how to deconstruct the meaning of your dreams along with many relevant resources to support further understanding in how to find meaning in your dream time.

Exchange $187, includes a course booklet with all information and resources,  and refreshments from the gardens. Please bring what you need for note taking.

A portion of the proceeds for this event will be donated to Protect Our Wildlife Vermont.

This in person event may require mask wearing and health screening upon arrival.


Facilitating this workshop is Diana Gonsalves Hansen, Owner and Founder of Mountain Hollow Medicinals. Diana has been a practitioner of the dream time since the wee age of three years old, when she had her first experience with a visitor from the afterlife. All of her life she has worked with and conversed with spirits in need, helped spirits cross over, held safe space in the dream time for past life regression and spiritual healing, as well as had much experience with premonition and valid information coming through in the dreamtime. This powerful dimensional space has always been a place of learning, and profound power for Diana as she continues to walk within the web in interconnectedness.

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The Magick and Healing of Flower Essences
1:00 PM13:00

The Magick and Healing of Flower Essences

Join Diana in her lush perennial and medicinal gardens at Mountain Hollow to make your own flower essence and be enlightened by the philosophy and history of working with the energetic properties of plants. We will discuss topics listed below:

  • how essences work and why

  • essences versus homeopathy

  • how to choose an essence

  • dowsing for an essence

  • communicating with plants

  • how plant energetics work within our energetic body

  • how to make an essence yourself

  • how to infuse with minerals

  • how land is medicine

  • how to make a land essence

We will make a flower essence together from the gardens here at Mountain Hollow, and learn how the dilution process works. Everyone will leave with an essence to begin working with.

We will also discuss dosage and the many ways to use the essences once you have them. Also relevant resources and links to further your knowledge and deepen your practice if you wish to do so.

Within the discussion of this workshop we will be talking in depth about the land around you, where you live or work and how the plants in that space are medicine for you. We will incorporate the ancestral indigenous knowing that all dis-ease stems from a lack of connection to nature and the plants, and practices to support you in deepening your intuition and listening to the plants around you.

Exchange $187, includes an essence to take home, a course booklet with all information and resources,  a printed certificate of completion and refreshments from the gardens. Please bring what you need for note taking. Customized payment plans are always available.

A portion of the proceeds for this event will be donated to United Plant Savers.

This in person event may require mask wearing and health screening upon arrival.


Facilitating this class is Diana Gonsalves Hansen, Owner and Founder of Mountain Hollow Medicinals. With over a decade of Flower Essence making and communicating with plants to understand how we can ethically partner with plants for healing, for Diana this class is incredibly important work in connecting others to the practice of working with plants, flowers, and land in such a deep way. Flower Essences have been a true support system for Diana in her personal life as well as her healing practice in working with others. Over the years of working with reconnecting people to the plant world, Diana has witnessed transformational healing time and time again. This is a practice that Diana is so honored to teach and pass onto others to continue this in their life for themselves and their loved ones. The gardens here at Mountain Hollow have been tended to with a deep devotion and love so the plants here are eager to do the work along side us.

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Rejuvenation JourneyDance Summer Series
6:30 PM18:30

Rejuvenation JourneyDance Summer Series

Nourish Your Body With Movement

With Covid restrictions beginning to ease, it can look really tempting to jump back into busyness.  But if this collective pause has taught us anything, it’s that deep connection to self and taking time out for nourishment is essential to our emotional and physical wellbeing.  Join me for a monthly rejuvenation JourneyDance at Mountain Hollow Medicinals. 

This will be a time to connect deeply with your body, move stuck energy, restructure your cellular understanding of self, and nourish your body, mind and spirit.  Don’t worry - this will not be only slow dancing - there will be times to move fast and fiercely, and all the ways in between. The focus will be on self acceptance, love, and nourishment;  replenishing the wellspring of your internal energy.  Envision it like a date night with yourself, where you can gaze into your eyes, and hold your own hand the entire time.  

What is JourneyDance?

JourneyDance is a semi-guided freestyle dance experience that follows a rhythmic flow. It's an invitation to your body to move in its own expressive way, in community, in deep groundedness, for the purpose of physical and emotional release. It's fun, deep, transformative, grounding, and connective.

Sliding scale $15-25 (please make checks out to Anna Crytzer)

*This series may also incorporate aspects of Breathwork and Sound Healing.

This Journey Dance will be facilitated by Anna Crytzer from Sweet Fire Healing.

This event will be held outdoors and may require mask wearing.

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Restorative Sound Bath
7:00 PM19:00

Restorative Sound Bath

Join Diana at Mountain Hollow in our sacred space for a deeply relaxing and restorative guided sound meditation with tibetan sound bowls.

The sound waves from these bowls move through the body supporting balance and harmony while stimulating the body to heal. As you move into a deeply relaxed and restful state and into the subconscious, you gain access to releasing stress and stepping away from the egoic mind. In this restful state, the body can give more energy to healing areas in need.

Working with these bowls can provide clarity and relief from physical pain as it cleanses and reassembles cells. They support anxiety relief, release of tension and emotional blockages to come back to a centered self.

The new moon is a time where we may need to practice extra self care, allow more restfulness, and to spend time going inward. This is a time where, in particular for women, our immunity is lower than usual and taking extra care is important. During the new moon our bodies ask us to slow down, and it is a good time to work on a creativity and wellness.

Join Diana for a 45 minute guided meditation with five sound bowls out in the big tent or in our beautiful yurt. Herbal tea will be served. A yoga mat and blanket will be provided. Please bring extra blankets, a pillow, a flashlight, and anything that you can use for comfort and warmth to lay down on the floor.

Exchange is $35 per person and all proceeds will be used to expand the garden space for the future purpose of bringing more people to this healing practice.

This event is full. Stay tuned for more offerings in 2022.


A bit about your facilitator.
Diana is a certified sound healer from the International Academy of Sound Healing with four years experience in healing sessions and on body work with tibetan sound bowls. Bringing the bowls into Diana’s practice was essential in supporting and working with folx who have suffered small or big trauma and need support physically and emotionally. Diana has seen great outcomes, responses, and incredible shifts during and after sessions.

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Guided Plant Meditation
7:00 PM19:00

Guided Plant Meditation

This event is a gathering for folx who wish to connect deeper to the green world. This meditation will be guided and safe space will be held in order to dive into the practice of speaking, and experiencing transformative healing with plants. Together we will dip into the energy and consciousness of an individual plant. Today we understand that everything is made of energy, and that energy is consciousness. This consciousness has information for us to experience and understand and when we can tap into this we can receive this information.

Diana will be guiding the group into a peaceful meditative state with tools such as blessing herbs, the drum, and sound bowls. Once we are in this aplha theta state Diana will teach you how to communicate with plant spirits in a way that you receive unique information needed for your own healing journey.

The plant will be chosen as to which one gives us permission and wants to come forward for the group. All plants used will be generally very safe and nourishing, and do not need to be ingested. Diana will also offer a tea made very lightly, again to practice safe herbalism, as the tea can bring you deeper into the healing with this plant that can generally work with you for up to two weeks afterwards. Meaning in the dream time, emotional upheavals, transformative healing, deep relaxation, and an overall sense of feeling connected and loved by Gaia.

Some of the things you may gain during and after a plant meditation:

A more expanded consciousness to the plant world
Specific uses and medicinal applications of the plant
An understanding of how to ID the plant correctly
A unique and personal message just for you
Guidance from the plant spirit on what you may need at the time
A wider understanding of the plant and its uses
A deepening of your intuition
A heightened awareness of the natural world around you
A practice that you can take with you into the future.

Weather permitting we will be inside the yurt or out in the gardens.

Please bring a journal and something to write with so you may record your findings.

Books and resources will be available for those to look through in order to begin to find medicinal information about the plant of choice.

Exchange is $35 per person and all proceeds will be used to expand the garden space for the future purpose of bringing more people to this healing practice.

This gathering is Facilitated by DIana Hansen, Creatrix and Founder of Mountain Hollow Medicinals. Moving through her second year at the Gaia School for Healing and Earth Education, she now feels it is time to share this practice and teach others to come to a deeper and life changing relationship to plants and therefore their gardens and land. One of Diana’s and Mountain Hollow’s largest missions is to hold offerings and space to support human to reconnect to the importance, wisdom, guidance, and the power of emotional health in truly being in relationship to nature. Decolonizing our minds and reclaiming our indigenosity.

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Fundamentals of Sound Healing
to Aug 1

Fundamentals of Sound Healing

  • Mountain Hollow Medicinals (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
Screen Shot 2021-04-06 at 1.19.00 PM.png

This weekend sound healing immersion focuses on the theory and practice of using the powerful tones and vibrations of large hand-hammered bronze singing bowls and other tools for healing the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies.

Looking at ancient and modern theory, we will explore how stagnant and unbalanced energies affect the body, how sound and vibration work to heal and harmonize, and learn leading edge treatments to awaken the healer within. We will go over fundamentals of how to tone the bowls, body position, intention, and focus. We will learn how to give treatments specific to instilling deep relaxation, calming the mind, clearing the aura, balancing reflexology meridians, cellular detoxification, improving circulation, and reducing high blood pressure and the effects of long term stress. We will learn powerful, effective, noninvasive treatments for specific physical ailments such as chronic and acute pain and discuss how to apply this knowledge in our lives and integrate these methods in our healing practices. We will learn methods for holding compassionate space for our clients, being present and encouraging emotional release and profound transformation. Other instruments such as crystal bowls, gong, rattles, tuning forks and voice will be discussed and may be utilized as well.

This training is recommended for current and aspiring healing practitioners, therapists, caregivers, meditation and yoga practitioners, spiritual seekers, business people, musicians, and anyone interested in learning and using this divine healing science in supporting health for themselves and those they care about.

This 2 day, 16 hour certification is offered by IASH master instructor Kirk Jones. This workshop includes an International Academy of Sound Healing (IASH) Level 1 certificate.

Training Schedule
Saturday, July 31st, 9am-5pm
Welcome and Grounding Meditation
Sound Healing Theory
Opening Practice
Brainwave Relaxation
Hand and Feet Reflexology

Sunday, August 1st, 9am-5pm
Morning Meditation
Theory of the Mind
Mind Detox Therapy
Aura Cleanse
Self Healing
Treatment of General Ailments
Certificate Ceremony

Includes 16 hr training, Level 1 manual, and international certification.

What to bring/what to expect:
Bring a notebook and writing utensil. Wear light colored, peaceful, nonrestrictive clothing free of metal or hard plastic. Water and light refreshments are included. Please bring a yoga mats, blankets, and any props you may want to sit or lie comfortably. Please bring a lunch.

Singing bowls:
All bowls used during the class will be provided. Bowls will be available for purchase onsite or ordered at the conclusion of the course. These are high quality, healing grade, new, hand hammered bronze meant to have the highest possible healing impact and are created specifically for this modality.
They include:
New Age Healing set, 3 bowls, 6″, 8″, 10″, 3.4 kg $499 + 59 shipping
Unique Meditation set, 1 bowl, 11.25″, 2.3kg, $349 + 39 shipping
Tingsha bells, 4″, $109 + 19 shipping
Each set comes with felt mallets, leather strikers, nonslip pads, and velvety pillows

Workshop facilitator:
Kirk Jones, MS, Master Sound Healer, Evolvlove Sound Therapy
Kirk was powerfully drawn to singing bowls 20 years ago, attracted to the power and beauty of the rich, ancient tones. He then saw how singing bowls resonated with and elevated his own spiritual and healing journeys, so he decided to learn how to apply this to his own life and to help others. Since then he has assisted over 1500 people on their own healing journeys, bringing great joy, relaxation, pain relief, emotional release, spiritual upliftment, clarity, and empowerment. He is honored to use and share this sacred gift.

This in person event may require mask wearing and health screening upon arrival.

This course is now full!

There is room on the waiting list, if interested in adding your name to the list please contact Kirk through the registration button below.

Another certification will tentatively happen in September.

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Rejuvenation JourneyDance Summer Series
6:30 PM18:30

Rejuvenation JourneyDance Summer Series

Nourish Your Body With Movement

With Covid restrictions beginning to ease, it can look really tempting to jump back into busyness.  But if this collective pause has taught us anything, it’s that deep connection to self and taking time out for nourishment is essential to our emotional and physical wellbeing.  Join me for a monthly rejuvenation JourneyDance at Mountain Hollow Medicinals. 

This will be a time to connect deeply with your body, move stuck energy, restructure your cellular understanding of self, and nourish your body, mind and spirit.  Don’t worry - this will not be only slow dancing - there will be times to move fast and fiercely, and all the ways in between. The focus will be on self acceptance, love, and nourishment;  replenishing the wellspring of your internal energy.  Envision it like a date night with yourself, where you can gaze into your eyes, and hold your own hand the entire time.  

What is JourneyDance?

JourneyDance is a semi-guided freestyle dance experience that follows a rhythmic flow. It's an invitation to your body to move in its own expressive way, in community, in deep groundedness, for the purpose of physical and emotional release. It's fun, deep, transformative, grounding, and connective.

Sliding scale $15-25 (please make checks out to Anna Crytzer)
This Journey Dance will be held for those who identify as female.

*This series may also incorporate aspects of Breathwork and Sound Healing.

This Journey Dance will be facilitated by Anna Crytzer from Sweet Fire Healing.

This event will be held outdoors and may require mask wearing.

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Tea and Tarot with Spirited Places
6:30 PM18:30

Tea and Tarot with Spirited Places

This is a no pressure environment for all levels of experience where you can ask any Tarot questions you have and practice reading the cards for others and receive readings in return. We will begin by discussing ways to shift your consciousness and open up before a reading with a short grounding guided meditation. Then we will pair off and form small groups and practice giving one card readings to each other.

Sarah will talk about her connection with spirit guides and loved ones and how she uses the Tarot to clarify messages from them and ask them for help when reading for others. She will offer guidance on practices and ritual around broadening your intuition and clairvoyance, as well as finding the confidence and trust in yourself to share more of your gifts with the world. Sarah will cover information on all of the clairsenses and what they can feel like, as well as how we can use them as a tool for understanding our gifts.

If you are someone who notices these gifts of sight and sense within you but you feel anxious about sharing this gift and worried about what others may think, this will be a supportive, safe, and guided space for you to ask questions and understand your gifts more.

$25 per person. Please bring your Tarot deck and a cloth for laying your cards on.

Informational Spirited Places booklets will be available along with extra Tarot decks for those who need them.

Tarot decks and other useful tools will be available for purchase.

Facilitating this workshop is Sarah Young of Spirited Places. Sarah is a practicing Clairvoyant Medium who brings healing to others by communicating with those who have passed on who may need to share messages and information with their loved ones. Sarah also visits sites and homes to help others understand who the spirits are that dwell in their homes or on their land for clarity and healing on all sides. She is also an artist who creates a unique, personalized work as an offering with her sessions of what she may have experienced or seen during a reading. She also offers sacred paintings on your land for protection, to honor the ancestors of the land, or any intention you wish. Learn more about Sarah at

Masks may need to be worn during this event depending on state regulations.

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Rejuvenation JourneyDance Summer Series
6:30 PM18:30

Rejuvenation JourneyDance Summer Series

Nourish Your Body With Movement

With Covid restrictions beginning to ease, it can look really tempting to jump back into busyness.  But if this collective pause has taught us anything, it’s that deep connection to self and taking time out for nourishment is essential to our emotional and physical wellbeing.  Join me for a monthly rejuvenation JourneyDance at Mountain Hollow Medicinals. 

This will be a time to connect deeply with your body, move stuck energy, restructure your cellular understanding of self, and nourish your body, mind and spirit.  Don’t worry - this will not be only slow dancing - there will be times to move fast and fiercely, and all the ways in between. The focus will be on self acceptance, love, and nourishment;  replenishing the wellspring of your internal energy.  Envision it like a date night with yourself, where you can gaze into your eyes, and hold your own hand the entire time.  

What is JourneyDance?

JourneyDance is a semi-guided freestyle dance experience that follows a rhythmic flow. It's an invitation to your body to move in its own expressive way, in community, in deep groundedness, for the purpose of physical and emotional release. It's fun, deep, transformative, grounding, and connective.

$15 per per person (please make checks out to Anna Crytzer)

*This series may also incorporate aspects of Breathwork and Sound Healing.

This Journey Dance will be facilitated by Anna Crytzer from Sweet Fire Healing.

This event will be held outdoors and may require mask wearing.

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